People in the History of the LGBT Community in Wisconsin
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Disclaimer-- Any persons shown on this web site are represented here not necessarily because they are gay or lesbian, but may also be because their life or work is significantly appreciated by or has substantially impacted the local LGBT community in some way. No assumptions of a person's sexuality are to be made solely based on their presence or listing on this website.
Adams, Bob (1953-?)
Ahmuty, Chris
Aiello, Angelo (1912-1978)
Aiello, Bettie (1922-1992)
Aiello, Tony (c1962-)
Albrecht, Neil (c1965-)
Altadonna, Ashley (living) (BLOG entry)
Amato, Joseph (1956-1987) aka Josie Blake
Ambelang, Gertrude Ann (1915-1995)
Ames, Adrian (1915-1980) 'Million Dollar Drag Queen'
Anne, Kimberly aka Kim (living?)
Antler (Brad Burdick)
Arneth, Joe (living?)
Arnold, Robert (1936-1998)
Atkinson, Tanya (living) (BLOG entry)
Attewell, William (1961-)
Austin, Dan (living?)
Baack, Tim (living)
Babush, Bradley S. (1954-1992)
Bachhuber, Raymond (living)
Bagnall, Andy (living) (BLOG entry)
Bailey, Phillip (living)
Baldwin, Tammy
Balistreri, Chuck (1943-2011) actual name Chuck Cicirello
Banks, Rick (living)
Barrett, Tom (living)
Batt, Patrick (living)
Baum, Martin C. (1958-1988)
Beaudoin, Rick (1954-1995)
Beaumont, Beau (living)
Behar, Mark (living)
Ben Shalom, Miriam (living)
Bernhagen, Wayne (1943-1987)
Betz, Charles 'Chuckie' (1950-2023)
Bjurstrom, Richard (?-1996)
Black, Sue
Boenning_Bet'Z (living)
Bogner, Carl (1962-2024)
Boll, Tom (1947-2007)
Boughner, Terry (1940-2007)
Bowen, Tim (1964-1993)
Brehm, Joe
Brehm, June (1917-2010)
Breiling, Jerry (1960-2023)
Breitlow, Warren (1927-2016)
Bricker, Earl
Brotz, Chuck (1952-2024)
Brown, Holly (full name Holly Brown Tongue) (1945-1991)
Brown, Janice (living) (stage name Janice Colby)
Brown, Millie (unknown) (transgender pioneer Harry Haynes)
Brown, Sandy (living) (BLOG entry)
Broyles, Lewis (c1955-2005)
Bruckner, Rob (living)
Buggy, Brian (living)
Bunch, Dennis LeRoy (?-2020) aka Queerscout
Burdick, Brad (aka Antler)
Burgelis, Peter (living)
Burke, Sue
Burkett, Donna (c1946-?)
Burnham, Edgar W. (1841-1918) (BLOG entry)
Busch, Kathy
Busterkeys, Walter (1919-1987) early stage name for Liberace
Butenhoff, Tom (living)
Byers, Stephen (living)
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Cabrera, Marisabel (living)
Callentine, David (1950-1988)
Campbell, Steven (?-1990)
Carlson, Dennis (?-1991)
Carpenter, Tim (living)
Carter, Joseph L. 'Josie' (1938-2014)
Carver, Eddie (?-2021) see- Gregg Fitzpatrick
Case, Peter (1964-1993)
Chris, Rick
Cicirello, Charles "Chuck" (1943-2011) aka Chuck Balistreri
Clarenbach, David
Clark, Jeffrey P. (1957-1992)
Clayton, John (1932-2005) (aka Clarence Germershausen)
Colby, Janice (living) aka Janice Brown
Coley, Brenda (living)
Cook, Susan (1959-)
Cook-Daniels, Loree (unknown)
Correa, Ricardo (Ric) (1963-2004)
Cowles, John (1954-1990)
Cupertino, Daniel Jr. (1934-1996)
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D'Angelo, Rudi (1972-2014)
Dalton, Garold (Gary) (1937-1988)
Daniels, B.J./ aka Bjorn Nasset (living) (stage name B.J. Daniels)
Darnell, DiDi (1934-2025) (performance name of Ken Thorell) (BLOG entry)
Daun, Margaret (living)
Dayton, Dean (1952-2014)
DeMarco, Paul (1948-2008)
Dietz, Susan (living)
Dix, Charles (1940-2005)
Dixon, Sharon (living)
Dorn, James "Jimmy" (1929-1995)
Draegert, Ross (living?)
Dreva, Jerry (1945-1997) (BLOG entry)
Duggins, Ebbie (living?)
Dupree, Shannon (living) (BLOG entry)
Duranceau, Lyle (1947-1989)
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Faulkenberg, James (1951-1992)
Feldhausen, Joseph (1946-?)
Feldman, Leo (living) aka Jimmy Von Milwaukee/ James Skyberg
Feria, Jack (living) (BLOG entry)
Firkus, Brian Michael (1990-Living) aka Trixie Mattel
Fitzpatrick, Gregg (1952-2021)
Fitzpatrick, Mike (living)
Fitzpatrick, Shirley A. (1933-2012)
Flaherty, Patrick (living) (BLOG entry)
Flonaze, Ester (living) (drag personality)
Flores, Kathy (living)
Fons, Christopher (1968-1995)
Fons, Dan (living)
Frank, William (Bill) (1928-2022)
Frank, Randy (living?)
Frelke, Jerry (1934-2002) aka Jerry 'Powell' Frelke, one of the 'Powell Sisters'
Frink, Miriam (1892-1977)
Furmann, Larry & Rick (living)
Furmann, Rebecca Ann (1991-1995)
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Gays, Jaime (living) aka Jamie Hernandez
Geiman, Ronald F. (1951-2004)
George, John (living)
Germershausen, Clarence (1932-2005) aka John Clayton
Gernhardt, Ralph-Paul (1934-2006)
Gibson, Barbara (1933-2017)
Gilson, Ian (living)
Glassey, Francis Patrick (1844-?) (early drag/ minstrel performer as Francis Leon)
Goggans, Connor (living)
Gonzalez, Ricardo (living)
Gordon, Dan (?-1991)
Goski, Christopher R. (1959-1993)
Gorski, Maryann 'Flash' (living) (BLOG entry)
Goss, Tom (living) (BLOG entry)
Gotzler, Karen (living)
Grace, Ronnie (1958-2023)
Graewin, Al (living)
Gregory, Diane 'Legs' (living)
Gremminger, Dr. Roger A. (1947-2023)
Grubb, Corey (living)
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Hagan, Mark (living) (aka personality 'Dear Ruthie')
Hammer, Mike (living)
Hand, Janice (living)
Hanson, Harry James (living) (BLOG entry)
Hanson, Michael (living)
Hanus, Brenda (living) (BLOG entry)
Haupert, Marc (living)
Havens, Peter (living)
Havlicek, Annabelle (1954-)
Heat, Tempest (1982-2024) aka Jonathan Carthell Hughlett
Hebein, Donald J. (1964-1989)
Heflin, Vincent C. (1966-1992)
Helen: "Dirty Helen" see Joslin, Helen
Hernandez, Jamie (aka Jamie Gays; c1945-2023)
Herrero, Billy (1918-1992) ('Brazilian Gypsy Rose Lee' early drag performer)
Hess, Alyn W. (1939-1989)
Hewett, Dan (living?)
Hinderer, Michael James (1968-1995)
Hughlett, Jonathan Carthell (1982-2024) performing as 'Tempest Heat'
Hume, Stephanie (living)
Hynes, Harry (unknown) ('Mille Brown' transgender pioneer)
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Jaccard, John (1972-2017)
James, "Miss Tracey" (1943-2023) aka Peter James Kreisman (BLOG entry)
Janson, Bob
Jeanette, aka Jet
Johnson, Doug (living)
Johnson, Jerry (1943-2023)
Johnson, Patrick R. (living)
Johnson, Peter
Johnston, Michael (living) aka 'Karen Valentine'
Joslin, Helen (1915-1996) aka "Dirty Helen"
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Kallas, James W. 'Tiny' (?-1979)
Kampe, Gary (living)
Keil, Tony A. (1957-1992)
Kepner, James (unknown)
Kerwineo, Ralph (1876-1932) (transgender pioneer)
King, Chuck (living) (BLOG entry)
King, Tyrone (living)
Klinger, John A. (1954-2003)
Koch, Nate (living)
Kotke, David (1963-living) performing as David Rogers
Kovaleski, Andrew (1971-2014) drag performer "Bambi"
Kowal, Richard Allen (1929-2020)
Kraetsch, Tim (living)
Kreisman, Peter James (1943-2023) performing as 'Miss Tracey James' (BLOG entry)
Krueger, Larry (living)
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Lacey, James (living)
Lalicata, Bill (1944-1991)
Lamb, Dr. Karen (1937-2009)
Lambert, Bobby (1948-living) (BLOG entry)
Lauterbach, Jim (living)
Leon, Francis (1844-1922) (early drag/ minstrel performer; born Francis Patrick Glassey)
Les Petites Bon Bons (group) (BLOG entry)
Leviash, Mabel Meyers (1897-1987) aka Mabel Meyers
Liberace, Wladziu Valentino (1919-1987)
Lisowski, Michael (living)
Luettgen, Amy (living)
Lynch, Kevin (living)
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Macias-Gonzalez, Victor (living)
MacLellan, Lael Anthony (living)
Malmarowski, Lisa (living) (BLOG entry)
Malmon, Arnie (1943-1994)
Mande, Timothy E. (1960-1996) performing as Mandi McCall
Marie, Cass (living)
Mariucci, Mark (living)
Marr, James (1967-2011)
Martin, Ian, Dr. (living)
Martin, Tom (1950-1997)
Marvel, Martha (living) (BLOG entry)
Mason, Barbie (living?)
McBride, Dean (living?)
McDonell, Megin (living)
McGranaghan, Boyd (1955-1990)
Mehnert, Pam (living) (BLOG entry)
Melotte, Jim (living)
Meyers, Mabel (1897-1987) aka Mabel Meyers Leviash
Mills, Emily (living) (BLOG entry)
Moore, J. Robert (Bob) (c1930-1998)
munson, michael (living)
Murphy, Mike (living)
Murray, Eldon (c1945-2007) (article from In Step)
Murray, Jen (living)
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Panasuk, Robert R. (1952-1991)
Partridge, Charlotte (1881-1975)
Pascavis, Delbert E. (?-1985)
Patterson, Larry (living) (BLOG entry)
Pawzun, Thomas (1959-2022)
Petroll, Andrew, Dr. (living)
Phillips, Mike (living?)
Poage, George (1880-1962) (BLOG entry)
Poniewaz, Bruce J. "Jeff"
Poulson, Chuck (1950-2018)
Powell, Jerry/ aka Jerry Frelke (1934-2002) one of the 'Powell Sisters'
Powell, Mel (1937-2002) one of the 'Powell Sisters'
Prentice, George (living)
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Rae, Jason (living)
Ramon, Israel "Issy" (living)
Reed, Ken (living?)
Reilly, Fred "Casey" (1958-2007)
Rezza, Tom (living)
Rhodes-Conway, Satya (living) (BLOG entry)
Rivera, Ronnie (living)
Rivers, Bobby (1953-2023)
Roberts, David (living)
Roberts, Jackie (1972-2017) (drag name)
Roberts, Michael D. (1952-1993)
Rodriguez, Tony Snell (living)
Rogelio, Rudolpho Jr. (1972-2014) aka Rudi D'Angelo
Rogers, David (1963-living) aka David Kotke
Rosploch, Randy (1954-1985)
Rotar, Kevin (1956-1997)
Rouse, Leon (c1960-)
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Saglin, Sam (living)
Sandeen, Nile (living)
Santilli, Nik (living) (BLOG entry)
Schaffer, Steve (living)
Scheel, Rodney (c1950-1990)
Schendel, Bobb (living?)
Scherz, Lee (living?)
Schicker, Edward J., Jr. (1939-1989) aka Tiger Rose
Schlaikowski, Brad (living)
Schlaikowski, Nick (living)
Schlief, Jim
Schmidt, Robert (living)
Schneider, George (living)
Schnieders, James J. (?-1987)
Schumann, Cindy (living?)
Schwamb, Don (living)
Seaver, Dan (living)
Shawna, DJ (living) (BLOG entry)
Shepard, Mark (living?)
Skyberg, James Mark (living) aka Jimmy Von Milwaukee/ Leo Feldman
Slowik, Del (living)
Smith, Jack
Smits, Si (living)
Snider, Karen (living)
Sobczak, Leonard (living)
Starshak, Robert
Steinhauer, Steve (living)
Stevens, Rick (1953-2008)
Stevens, Samantha (living)
Stimac, Louis (1941-1994)
Stokes, Scott
Stratton, Candi (living) (BLOG entry)
Studdard, Lanny
Sullivan, Ric (living)
Sutherland, Laura
Swanson, Ulysses (living)
Szatmary, Carl M. (living)
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Takach, Michail (living)
Taylor, Cindy
Taylor, Jamie (James) (1964-)
Taylor, Richard (1925-2006)
Tenpenny, Justis (living)
Terrio, Dan (living)
Terry, Ilet 'Tina' (1946-1993)
Thate, Ron 'Rona' (1951-2023) stage name 'Miss Rona'
Theis, Tom (1929-1991)
Thomae, Debbie (1957-1986)
Thomas, Al
Thomas, Dennis R. (1943-2003)
Thomas, Tiffany (living)
Thorell, Kenneth (1934-2025) (performs as DiDi Darnell) (BLOG entry)
Tongue, Holly Brown (1945-1991)
Topel, Trevor (living) (BLOG entry)
Torres, Joseph Ray (living) (BLOG entry)
Toy, Janice (living) (BLOG entry)
Tucker, Steve (1957-1986)
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Wagner, R. Richard 'Dick' (1943-2021)
Waldecker, Jeff (1951-2001)
Walker, Ross (living)
Wallisch, Sarah (living)
Walther, Stephen A. (1944-1977)
Wandke, Denise (living)
Wardlow, Bill (living)
Welch, Denny (Chris) (1958-1989)
Wenzel, Markie Anna aka Mark Anthony Wenzel (1960-2023) (BLOG entry)
Wescott, Glenway (1901-1987)
Wesela, Dennis K. (1942-1980)
Whitson, Kristen (living)
Wiggins, David(living)
Williams, Clark (living)
Wilson, Francesca (living) (BLOG entry)
Wise, Denise (living)
Wisler, Dr. Robert (1958-1994)
Wolff, Dawn (living)
Wolke, Dennis (living)
Wolz, Dave (living) (BLOG entry)
Wood, William (Bill) (?-1992)
Wyatt, Richard J. (1960-1991) (aka 'Ginger Spice')
Wynn, Eric Sean (1964-living) (BLOG entry)
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Disclaimer-- Any persons shown on this web site are represented here not necessarily because they are gay or lesbian, but may also be because their life or work is significantly appreciated by or has substantially impacted the local LGBT community in some way. No assumptions of a person's sexuality are to be made solely based on their presence or listing on this website.
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