History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Wisconsin - People - Bios

Mark Hagan
aka 'Dear Ruthie'



Primary Involvements:

LGBT Activist

Primary Location:

Milwaukee, WI



Mark Hagan using the stage name 'Dear Ruthie' was recognized by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors in June 2023.

By the initiative of Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson and Supervisor Peter Burgelis, some forty individuals and organizations were recognized by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors and presented citations in a special meeting on June 22, 2023. "Today, we recommit Milwaukee County to supporting and uplifting the LGBTQ+ community, celebrating those who make a substantial positive impact on the LGBTQ+ community in Milwaukee County," Supervisor Burgelis stated. "Today we are making up for lost time. We have dozens of people to recognize, not because so much has been done in the past year, but because decades and even years ago, there was little to no recognition of the LGBTQ+ community. I am thankful to work with a Chairperson who enables our County Board to honor these well-deserving individuals."

Recognitions were made in the categories of "Community Leaders and Activists," "Government Leaders," "Business and Cultural Leaders," and "Health and Wellness Leaders". Hagan's citation (largely self-written) read as follows:

  • WHEREAS, Dear Ruthie, the stage name of Mark Hagan, has been a journalist with numerous LGBTQ+ publications for several decades and continues to write the Dear Ruthie advice column in the Shepherd Express, a witty and thoughtful column that answers questions from community members about a wide variety of topics and problems; and
  • WHEREAS, Dear Ruthie was made an honorary member of the Milwaukee Press Club for her work in journalism, was awarded the LGBTQ+ Progress Award for Arts & Entertainment, and was named Grand Marshal of the Milwaukee Pride Parade twice; and
  • WHEREAS, Dear Ruthie has an impressive performance resume which includes appearances on season one of Americas Got Talent, three locally produced movies, local network-affiliated Don & Bo Show on CBS 58, opening performances for Taylor Dayne, Tiffany and The Weather Girls, dozens of professional productions with various theater companies throughout the city, and is a co-host on Camp Wanna-Kiki, a reality TV show streaming on Out TV and cable networks in the UK; and
  • WHEREAS, Dear Ruthie launched a non-profit charity, "Ruthie’s Kennel Club," which raises funds annually for the City of Milwaukee's various animal-related charities, and also raises thousands of dollars for city and state-wide charities through bingo nights at Hamburger Mary's; and
  • WHEREAS, Dear Ruthie is an exemplary performer, selling out venues throughout the city and state for her Joan Rivers tribute show and stars in the annual Golden Girls Drag Parody; and
  • WHEREAS, Dear Ruthie is respected and admired as an LGBTQ+ role model and advocate, proudly showcasing and sharing the art of drag with a wide audience, and notably is featured in the book and nationwide art exhibit "Legends of Drag"; now, therefore
  • BE IT RESOLVED, the members of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, on the motion of Supervisor Peter Burgelis along with Supervisors Ryan Clancy, Priscilla E. Coggs-Jones, Caroline Gómez-Tom, Willie Johnson, Jr., Juan Miguel Martinez, Shawn Rolland, Steven Shea, Liz Sumner, Sequanna Taylor, Sheldon A. Wasserman, Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson do herewith commend Dear Ruthie for her dedicated efforts and contributions to the LGBTQ+ community, and wish her prosperity, happiness, and continued success in all her personal and professional endeavors.


Credits: web site concept by Don Schwamb;
Last updated: June-2024.

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