History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - People - Bios

Bettie Aiello


April 3, 1992
Primary Involvements:

Business (bar) Owner





Bettie Aiello and her husband Angelo owned the Mint Bar in downtown Milwaukee for over 25 years. The Mint was originally located on West State Street, just a few blocks from the County Courthouse; and then moved to S. 2nd Street after the Bradley Center development was announced. Her friends Bob Dietz and Jim Jones took over the second Mint Bar from Bettie in 1991, renaming it BJ's.

(Bettie's name is frequently spelled as "Betty Aiello".)

Any additional information about this person is welcome.


In Memoriam, April 1992 InStep

Photo, time unknown (likely c1975-1980)

Credits: bulk of information from various InStep articles;
Last updated: September 7, 2004.