History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - People - Bios

Randy Rosploch


January 13, 1985
Primary Involvements:

Socially active



Randy Rosploch was well known in Milwaukee's gay community, where he was socially active for over 10 years, having worked at various gay oriented business including Club Baths Milwaukee.

Randy's death, of AIDS-related respiratory arrest at Wood V.A. Hospital, closely followed that of his ex-lover Brian Nicholas, of Chicago. Ron Geiman, editor and publisher of In Step magazine, wrote in his obituary in that magazine that Randy's death caused AIDS to finally strike home with him (Ron), with Randy being the first person he knew closely to succumb to the disease. (Ron was later to die of AIDS himself.)


In Memorium article, In Step volume 2 issue 2, Jan 24-Feb 6, 1985

In Memorium, concl.

Credits: from In Memorium article in In Step;
website design and format by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: December-2011.