History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Wisconsin - People - Bios

Dennis R. Thomas



April 3, 1943
May 21, 2003
Primary Involvements:

LGBT Activist

Primary Location:

Milwaukee, WI



Dennis R. Thomas was active in Milwaukee's LGBT community for many years. He was reportedly one of the original volunteers who helped form Pridefest, and was also very involved with AIDS activism.

Thomas was born in Niagara, Wisconsin, and spent his first years in an orphanage. He enlisted in the Army in 1960, and for a time was assigned to the White House as an honor guard during the Kennedy administration. Thomas passed away from lung cancer.

Article about his death
(In Step vol. 20-12, June 2003)


Credits: web site concept by Don Schwamb;
Last updated: March-2024.

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