Dr. Andrew Petroll was recognized by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors in June 2023.
By the initiative of Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson and Supervisor Peter Burgelis, some forty individuals and organizations were recognized by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors and presented citations in a special meeting on June 22, 2023. "Today, we recommit Milwaukee County to supporting and uplifting the LGBTQ+ community, celebrating those who make a substantial positive impact on the LGBTQ+ community in Milwaukee County," Supervisor Burgelis stated. "Today we are making up for lost time. We have dozens of people to recognize, not because so much has been done in the past year, but because decades and even years ago, there was little to no recognition of the LGBTQ+ community. I am thankful to work with a Chairperson who enables our County Board to honor these well-deserving individuals."
Recognitions were made in the categories of "Community Leaders and Activists," "Government Leaders," "Business and Cultural Leaders," and "Health and Wellness Leaders". Petroll's citation (largely self-written) read as follows:
- WHEREAS, Dr. Andrew Petroll earned a bachelor's degree in molecular biology and a
Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Wisconsin — Madison, along with training in
internal medicine and infectious diseases, as well as a master's in epidemiology and post-doctoral
fellowship in HIV prevention at the Medical College of Wisconsin; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Andrew Petroll became a Professor of Medicine at the Medical College of
Wisconsin in 2006, where he specializes in HIV care and prevention; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Andrew Petroll has served as the Medical Director of MCW's HIV Care
and Prevention Services program since 2012, which provides case management, linkage to care,
pharmacy assistance, transportation, psychiatry care, and psychotherapy care to patients living with
HIV; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Andrew Petroll holds an appointment as a Professor of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Medicine, conducting research at MCW's Center for AIDS Intervention Research; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Andrew Petroll remains committed to understanding and improving the
function of the healthcare system in the prevention of HIV and improving health and wellbeing
among people living with HIV throughout his career; and
- WHEREAS, Dr. Andrew Petroll has had a significant positive impact on numerous
LGBTQ+ individuals, children, and families throughout Milwaukee County; now, therefore,
- BE IT RESOLVED, the members of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, on the
motion of Supervisor Peter Burgelis, along with Supervisors Ryan Clancy, Priscilla E. Coggs-Jones,
Willie Johnson, Jr., Patti Logsdon, Felesia A. Martin, Juan Miguel Martinez, Shawn Rolland, Steven
Shea, Anthony Staskunas, Liz Sumner, Sequanna Taylor, Steve F. Taylor, Kathleen Vincent, Sheldon A.
Wasserman, Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson do herewith commend Dr. Andrew Petroll for his
dedicated efforts and contributions to the community, and wish him prosperity, happiness, and
continued success in all his personal and professional endeavors.

2023 County Citation