Historical Panels of


The following images indicate the historical panels developed either by the Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project, or by its predecessor, the Milwaukee LGBT History Project. A few of these panels may be 'in stock' but most would need to be printed should they be needed for a display.

Note that these informational panels are the Intellectual Property of the Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project, Inc. in perpetuity. Any use of their content, or any content on this website, may be used for non-commercial purposes but must acknowledge its source. Contact the Wisconsin LGBTQ History Project (wisLGBThistory.com) to apply for event use or to offer sponsorship.

Adrian Ames (1915-1980)
'Female Impersonator'
(v2019; old format)
Tanya Atkinson (1971-living)
(Lesbian Visibility Week 2024)
(v2024; New format)
Miriam Ben-Shalom
Fought the U.S. Army for
right to serve as a lesbian
(v2011; old format)
Tom Boll (1947-2007)
Founder: T.T. Tulip, Fest City Singers,
ARCW 'Make a Promise'
(v2007; old format)

Dr. Terry Boughner (1940-2007)
Author, Publisher 'Wis. Light' newspaper
(v2007; old format)
Joe Brehm (1942-2016)
owner of 'This Is It' bar (1968-present)
(v2016; old format)
Holly Brown (1946-1991)
aka Holly Brown Tongue
Female impersonator
(v2020; old format)
Millie Brown
aka Harry Hynes
Born male, lived as a woman
(v2019; old format)

"Bunny" (1936-2020)
aka George Opper
(v2020; old format)
Donna Burkett & Manonia Evans
Applied for marriage license in 1971
(v2016; old format)
Sue Cook (1959-living)
'Mother of Pridefest'
(v2024; New format)
Loree Cook-Daniels
Lesbian and early trans activist
(v2011; old format)

Sharon Dixon (1951-living)
Owner, lesbian bars Sugar Shack & Fannies
(v2024; New format)
Shirley Fitzpatrick (1933-2012)
Softball and Social Movement
(v2004; panel not available)
Ron Geiman (1951-2004)
Publisher and Editor, 'In Step'
(v2004; panel not available)

Barbara Gibson (1933-2017)
First advisor to UWM Homosexual Freedom League
(v2024; New format)
Brenda Hanus (1949-living)
Transgender activist
(Lesbian Visibility Week 2024)
(v2024; New format)
Billie Herrero (1918-1992)
Female impersonator;
"The Brazilian Gypsy Rose Lee"
(v2019; old format)

Ralph Kerwineo (1876-1932)
Woman who lived as a man for years
(v2019; old format)
Francis Leon (1884-??)
'The Only Leon'
Performed possibly first
'drag' show in Milwaukee
(v2019; old format)
michael munson
At forefront of FTM
(female-to-male) movement
Co-founder of FORGE
(v2011; old format)
Eldon Murray (1945-2007)
Founding member of
Gay People Union (GPU)
(v2007; old format)

Charlotte Partridge & Miriam Frink
Founders, Layton School of Art
(Lesbian Visibility Week 2024)
(v2024; New format)
Si Smits
'I just wanted to meet people':
Gay People's Union (GPU),
Owner, Boot Camp Saloon (1984-2011)
(v2004; panel not available)
Karen Snider
'Creating Culture'
Lesbian & Feminist
Amazon Collective
(v2004; panel not available)
Debi Vance & Cindy Olsheske
Very active in sports leagues
(Lesbian Visibility Week 2024)
(v2024; New format)

Credits: web site concept and format by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: June-2024.

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.