We have found 'Club Capers/ Illusions' listed in media "Bar Guides" from about May 1999 to September 2001, although more exact dates we have thus far been unable to fix due to limited media mention. We have located a few ads, and there is also one photo of a 'Ms Gay WI USofA Pageant' held at Capers/ Illusions in 1999. We know that "Club 94" bar, which had been located farther south on I-94, was forced to relocate for freeway construction around mid-2001, and about that time changed its advertising to show this business' address, and beginning to use the name "Club 94 North". So that's when this bar obviously closed. Otherwise, very little is known about this bar. It was apparently one of 2 LGBT bars in two separate buildings next to each other at this site, most of the time advertising simply "Club Capers/ Illusions" or some variation on those names, but occasionally advertising with its next-door bar "Clubhouse Filling Station". More information about this business is welcomed from anyone who can contribute it. |
Credits: contents, design and arrangement by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: October-2021.
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