The Northeast Wisconsin LGBT History Project hosted its first ever History Display at Pride Alive 2009. The display was situated in a 10x20' tent located directly opposite the main stage in the Pride Alive celebration in Joannes Park, Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Project focuses on gay and lesbian history in the Northeast Wisconsin and the Fox Valley area: an area roughly defined by Green Bay, Appleton and Sheboygan, and the surrounding area. The display featured:
- Photographs: Nearly 200 photographs of events, people, and places from past years were displayed around three walls of the tent.
- Bar Timeline: A chart displaying the timeline of all the gay and lesbian bars opened in the Fox Valley since the 1950s.
- T-shirts: About two dozen t-shirts from LGBT bars, organizations, and events from the past 20 years were on display.
- Organizational histories: Histories of several major organizations in the area were displayed, including Fox Valley Gay Alliance (FVGA), Dinettes, Positive Voice, Lavender Salon, and Entertainers Against AIDS.
- Articles and artwork: Various news articles and historical artwork reflecting on the history of LGBT life in the area, and some major local businesses.
- Pride celebrations: A history of Pride celebrations in NE Wisconsin.
The display was primarily produced by Paul "Cricket" Jacob and Lloyd Schaefer.
Additional Photos:

2009 History Tent
Bar + Organization timeline; Photos

2009 History Tent
Bar + Organization timeline; Photos

Bar timeline: Introduction
Bar timeline, 1974-1992
Bar timeline, 1983-1991

Bar timeline, 1994-2002
Bar timeline, 2005-2009

Entertainers photos
Entertainers photos
Entertainers photos

News clippings, artwork
News clippings, artwork
News clippings, artwork