Volume 1, issue 1 -- 1977
Ballgame bar
(page 7)
Beer Garden bar + restaurant
(page 8)
Letter from the Publisher, Fantastic Voyages Inc. + advertisement for Teddy's
(page 9)
Circus disco
(page 10)
Circus disco ad
(page 11)
Finale + Glorioso's + Paradise Books + Club Milwaukee Baths
(page 12)


Red Baron disco
(page 13)
M&M Bar + restaurant &
Leaded Shade
(page 14)
M&M +
Oregon House bar
(page 15)

Wreck Room leather bar
(page 16)
Wreck Room leather bar +
Sugar Shack
(page 17)
Your Place bar
(page 18)
ad for Club Milwaukee Baths
(page 19)
Centerfold Boys
(pages 20+21)
Milwaukee Update subscription form
(page 22)
Cruising Guide
(page 23)
Handy Info: Restaurants, Meeting Places, Hotels
+ Glorioso's advertisement
(page 24)
Handy Info continued: Transportation, Emergency
+ Sweetbush Photo Service + LaFave Drywall
(page 25)
Handy Info continued: Libraries, Museums, Art & Music
+ Things To Do
(page 26)
Gay Groups/ Guide to Organizations
(page 27)
Things To Do, continued
(page 28)
Kinky News
(page 29)

Bar Map by Fantastic Voyages Inc.
(pages 30+31)
Directory of Groups/ Organizations: Publications + outside of Milwaukee
(page 32)
Contest + Hunter Fine Arts Society
(page 33)
(page 34)