History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Businesses - Restaurants

Cafe Phyllis
Location: 734 S. 5th Street



Restaurant/ Bar/
Performance hall



Very little is known about Cafe Phyllis. We have two flyers (1994) one of which calls it "An Innovative Gathering Place" with "live entertainment Friday and Saturday". That flyer is for "Premiere Show, What's Goin On" with Baby Jane Hudson and Company. The other for Jerry Grillo "This Funny World".

More information about this business is welcomed from anyone who can contribute it.


Flyer for Jerry Grillo "This Funny World"
Jan.-Feb., 1994
(from Jerry Johnson Collection)

Flyer for Premiere Show, "What's Goin On"
with Baby Jane Hudson and Company
October, 1994
(from Jerry Johnson Collection)

Credits: Website concept, design and arrangement by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: December-2009.

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