History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Businesses - Bars and Clubs

Location: 819 S. 2nd Street



Male/ female
Bar/ social



This location has been host to a long tradition of LGBT establishments. The first was apparently "Friendly's Bar" (1944-1947). It was operating as 'The Hustler' in the early 1970s, which may also have been somewhat gay friendly (additional research is needed). Its run as indisputable LGBT establishments really began when it became 'The Decision' in 1976. Next it was Hideaway (1976-c1980), after which its occupancy was uncertain for a few years. But its string of housing LGBT businesses resumed with the relocated Mint Bar II/ Angelo's (1986-1991), followed by BJ's Mint Bar (1991-1993), Zippers (1993-1998), and finally Fluid in 1998-- which is still open in 2021.

More information about this business is welcomed from anyone who can contribute it.


Advertisement, June 1993

Advertisement, December 1993

Credits: web site concept, contents, design and arrangement by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: September, 2004.

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