This Month in the History of Gay and Lesbian life in Wisconsin--
Month by Month, Year by Year

This Month in Wisconsin LGBT History: April 2007

35 years ago-- 1972-- Popular bars at this time include The Mint Bar, The Cove, Club 546, and the River Queen, and new bars opening in 1972 include Wreck Room, the Shack (Kenosha), JoDee's (Racine).

30 years ago-- 1977-- Madison Committee for Gay Rights plans 1st annual Gay Arts Festival; Your Place bar celebrates 12th anniversary; 26 year old Jim Yeadon, Madison's 1st openly gay city alderperson, wins full term on city council (the 3rd publically "out" politician ever to be elected nationally!); Down Under Club bar in La Crosse is born.

25 years ago-- 1982-- SisterMoon Bookstore celebrates 5th anniversary (it will close about a year and a half later when the building is sold).

20 years ago-- 1987-- UWM holds 5th annual Gay and Lesbian Film Festival.

15 years ago-- 1992-- Wreck Room hosts 1st annual Mr Wisconsin Drummer contest, and Argonauts of Green Bay hosts first Wisconsin Daddy contest.

10 years ago-- 1997-- Firebirds leather club holds dinner party to celebrate beginning their 3rd year; Popular bars at the time include South Water Street Docks, 3B's, Just Us, Zippers, Manoeuvres and Scandals (both in Madison), Za's and Brandys II (both in Green Bay).

    35 years ago

    GPU News, April 1972
    30 years ago

    GPU News, April 1977
    25 years ago

    (no resources available from April 1982)
    20 years ago

    In Step, vol. 4 no. 5
    (Apr 9-29, 1987)
    15 years ago

    In Step, vol. 9 no. 7
    (April 9-22, 1992)
    15 years ago

    Wisconsin Light, vol. 5 no. 8
    (April 16-29, 1992)
    10 years ago

    In Step, vol. 14 no. 07
    (April 2-16, 1997)
    10 years ago

    Wisconsin Light, vol. 10 no. 8
    (April 10-23, 1997)
    10 years ago

    Quest, vol. 4 no. 5
    (April 17-31, 1997)

Note: The issues appearing above are some of those dated in the featured month. However, relevant news may appear in issues previous to or after that pictured and linked above: earlier issues may have ads or announcements of upcoming events, and later issues may carry actual photos or more extensive coverage of events that occurred after publication deadlines.


Credits: "This Month in History" concept by Kate Sherry of Q-Life, and Don Schwamb;
Page design and arrangement by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: July-2007.