The History Display at PrideFest 2004 moved into a permanent building, just north of the Dance Pavilion. This provided us with a more secure and protected environment for the historical materials we are entrusted with. The Display included these components:
- PrideFest Angels monument: a large plaque and monument to individuals and organizations who stepped up to save PrideFest from bankruptcy following a financially disastrous 2003 festival.
- Oral History displays: we again displayed summaries of several Oral Histories recently completed with notable members of the community's forming years: included this year were summaries of Ron Geiman (new this year), plus Susan Cook, Shirley Fitzpatrick, Si Smits and Karen Snider.
View the Oral Histories from PrideFest 2004 at this link.
- Display of Historical Flyers, Articles, and other Materials culled from Jerry Johnson's collection. Photos
- Video display of programs: clips from the historical cable series "Tri-Cable Tonight" and other specials, running continuously.
- Panel Discussions: Photos
Voices Together: Milwaukee Choruses (Fest City Singers, Cream City Singers)
Wisconsin’s LGBT Community Centers (Milwaukee, Madison, Eau Claire)
Genuine Milwaukee: Bowling Leagues
Are We Having Fun Yet? (GAMMA and WOW)
Special Presentation: The Gay Holocaust, by Terry Boughner, Ph.D.
- Presentations on the Stonewall Stage: One presentation featured an intergenerational dialog between SAGE and Project Q, the other focused on the place of bisexuals and transgender individuals in Milwaukee’s LGBT community.
- Individual historical display tables from other organizations:, including tables for BESTD Clinic, SAGE, Fest City Singers, and the SSBL/ Saturday Softball Beer League. Photos
An estimated 2,500 people came through the History Building at PrideFest 2004.
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Additional Photos:



Panel Discussion entrance
Panel Discussion area
Historical materials display



Jerry Johnson display
Jerry Johnson display
Mexican organization display



BESTD Clinic display
SAGE display
Fest City Singers display



SSBL display
SSBL display
SSBL display
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