History of Gay and Lesbian Life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Organizations - Activist & Political



approx. 1993
(active 2007)

Advocacy and education for the African American LGBTQ community


Charles Daniels Productions Inc. is committed to providing a safer haven where lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) people of color are treated respectfully and allowed to express their social, political, and economic concerns. They strive to create a positive awareness of LGBTQ communities of color by establishing outreach to other communities, developing safer social outlets, community services, and forums to further HIV/AIDS testing, prevention materials and information.

Founded approximately 1993 by Charles Daniels, in 2007 the organization had one paid staff person. It has been quietly active in its target community. In 2006 they were a recipient of the Joseph R. Pabst LGBT Infrastructure Fund's Lesbian and Bisexual Women 25/25 Venture, and in 2007 requested a modest grant from the Cream City Foundation for a media campaign for HIV testing and condom use within the African American community.

Charles D. Productions is also producing Milwaukee's annual Black Pride event. More information on that is available at the Milwaukee Black Pride website.


Promotional card for 2003 Black Pride event

Charles D Productions flyer

Promotional card for 2007 Black Pride event

Promotional card for 7th annual Cookout

Credits: Page design and arrangement by Don Schwamb.
Last updated: August-2007.