Dawn Wolff Dawn Wolff is a gentle and powerful voice for people with AIDS. She has lived with HIV for more than 20 years and has always been an advocate for people with HIV disease. As a long time member of the Milwaukee Ryan White Consortium, Wolff educated its members about life with HIV and was always compelling in her advocacy for services that met the needs of people with HIV and AIDS. She is committed to seeing that people with HIV always have a voice in making decisions about the services they receive. For Wolff, having a child with HIV added to the challenge and the emotion of living with HIV. "I remember looking at him hoping that he would remember me when I die. He would take long naps and I would go in the bathroom and cry." Her son, Nile Sandeen, has always been a support for Wolff. "HIV has given us a close bond. I will never forget the times when I wasn’t feeling well. Nile would give me his favorite blanket for comfort." |
Photos and Text courtesy AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, copyright 2005.
Last updated: 11-May-2005.