Volume 1, Number 16 -- December 20, 1984- January 9, 1985
Cover image
Gay Side cartoon, by Tom Rezza


Table of Contents
(page 3)
Articles "Men May Have Gotten AIDS at Work", "San Francisco Gay
Population Statistics" + Advertisement: Peter's on 4th
(page 6)
Consider This, and article titled "An Interesting Meeting with
the Chief"; Milwaukee Police Chief Robert Ziarnik
(page 7)


continued from Page 7: Consider This, and article titled "An Interesting Meeting with the Chief"; Milwaukee Police Chief Robert Ziarnik
(page 8)
Ad: La Cage
(page 9)
Letter to the Editor and the community
(page 10)
Letter to the Editor and the community + Ad: BESTD Clinic
(page 11)



Rod's, Madison- Photo of bartenders, and Advertisement
(page 12)
Steppin Out, by Ron Geiman; +Ad: Christmas Eve Party at Castaways
(page 14)
Photos: La Cage Turnabout
(page 15)
Rod's, Madison- Photo of bartenders, and Advertisement
(page 16)


continued from Page 8: Consider This, and article titled "An Interesting Meeting with the Chief"; Milwaukee Police Chief Robert Ziarnik
+ Ads: Wreck Room, and The Mint Bar
(page 19)
Photos: Debi Vance's birthday party at Hot Legs, with co-owner Karen, D.J. Kim Z.
(page 20)
Rod's, Madison- Photo of bartenders, and Advertisement
(page 21)


Photos: La Cage's Hot Buns contest
(page 26)
Photos: La Cage's Hot Buns contest
(page 27)


Ad: Club Baths +
Photos: all 4 owners of Trianon at The New Bar in Madison
(page 30)
Ad: The New Bar, Madison
(page 31)
In Step's Christmas Wishes for Wisconsin Bar Owners
(page 34)
Ads: The Music Box, and Essingers
(page 35)
Photos: Miss Gay Continental Wisconsin
(page 38)
Photo: Fannies bartenders
(page 39)
Top 50 Songs + The Finale
(page 40)
The Finale extends Seasons Greetings
(page 41)

Ad: Cest La Vie
(page 45)
Photos: 1984, Year in Review
(page 46)
Photo, 1984 Year in Review, +Advertisements: Phoenix, Boot Camp
(page 47)

Photo and Ad: Old Masters (cards, prints, framing)in Prospect Mall
(page 50)
Photo and Ad: Video Visions in Prospect Mall
(page 51)
Photo: Thinking of You shop on Broadway
(page 52)
(page 56)
(page 57)
(page 58)
(page 59)
(page 60)
(page 61)