November 1980 - Volume 10 No. 2
Cover image Cover art: Perry Edwards (see Editorial on page 11 for description)
In This Issue (table of contents)
Dane County Board in Madison approves gay employment rights ordinance, after testimony coordinated by The United
(page 4)
GPU presents a 2-part educational program on Homosexual Oppression Plans to form local Integrity chapter
(page 6)
Advetisement for Libra Theatre
(page 7)
Advertisement for Grand Opening of Travis & Co. Hair Design
(page 8)
GPU News editorial offices moving; Gay Vote 80 public service announcements
(page 10)
Calendar + Gay Vote 80
(page 38)
Calendar + Advertisement for Bathing at Baxter
(page 39)
Calendar + Gay Vote 80
(page 40)